Friday’s Photo of the Week (Mongolian Memories)

I’ve been away for most of the last week up in the desert of British Columbia and… I’m not sure where my camera is so those pics will be uploaded shortly.

Since I can’t show the local desert, I’ll  do the next better thing…

My Mongolian Alarm Clock… in the ger.

Yes, back in 2009 I spent a week in Mongolia riding a camel on the Steppes and checking one of things off my bucket list.

Relaxing after a ride with my camel, Lumpy.

I still miss Lumpy.

Friday’s Photo of the Week (Travel Essentials)

Packed for a year in South Korea. Nov 2008.

So why this photo?
It is how I travel.
Because backpacks are vital to a traveller. The green one I’ve had for 12 years, first bought to visit England… which turned into Portugal, Southern Spain and eventually West Africa. It’s now in Asia.

While the blue one I tote daily slung across my shoulders as well making my second trip to Vietnam with me.