Friday’s Photo of the Week (Rooftop Potluck)

It’s baaaaack!

After a two week hiatus, during which my computer died, I managed to arrange it so I can upload pics again. Huzzah!

A gather of teachers and nations.

A gather of teachers and nations.


Last night, a bunch of friends celebrated the Fifth of July (Canada Day plus the Forth of July) – it too was a potluck and was supposed to be on the roof, but the weather didn’t cooperate. These pics are from the trail run two weeks ago. It stemmed from a spontaneous hallway conversation and eventually over a dozen people made it to the roof to share food and stories and drinks.

There was fresh fruit, spring rolls, a savoury chicken dish, a Greek salad, psuedo-burritos and lots of laughs.

It is times like this that I love travelling and the sense of community that I talk about at length shines through.
Plus the Zifeng Tower as a backdrop didn’t hurt either.

Zifeng at night.

Zifeng at night.

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